Superheroes Unite! Creative writing download pack

Subjects: English
Key Stages: KS2

Superheroes Unite is a fun creative writing exercise that taps into children’s imaginations. These six friends are new additions to the Digital Schoolhouse team and they will be helping us to solve digital problems for future activities. First though, we need to build their superhero profile.

Children are invited to develop a full profile for each character and use that to develop their superhero backstories. There are multiple ways that this activity can be delivered, with each child either working completely independently or together, with the characters divided between them. the guidance will discuss some of the ways that children can work their way through this, that can be adapted by both parents and teachers.

Our superhero competition has now ended! Thanks to everyone that took part. 

Suitable for ages: 7 - 14 years (Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3
