Holy Trinity College

Hello and welcome to Holy Trinity College!

Here at Holy Trinity College we are very excited to be associated with the Digital Schoolhouse program and were keen to join as a schoolhouse in 2019.

In Holy Trinity College we are a very innovative and forward thinking school that is committed to helping our students develop into young adults ready to face the world in their chosen career path. We believe that their path can be guided all the way from primary school so when we heard about Digital Schoolhouse we knew that this would be the perfect program to join. We have always had a strong relationship with our local primary schools and we believe that with the workshops provided from Digital Schoolhouse we can build on these further and showcase a range of computing activities to the primary students.

So why choose Holy Trinity College as your Digital Schoolhouse?

ICT and Computing are very important to Holy Trinity College with the subjects being taught in years 8-14. We offer a range of courses to our students to meet their learning needs and skills they require to follow the Computing career path. We believe that the best place to start this path is in primary school as the students can see the wide range of topics that are covered later in secondary school and they can do this in a playful, kinaesthetic and fun environment.

Workshops Offered

Primary 5 students can enjoy our IT/Digital Literacy workshop. Primary 6 students can enjoy our Algorithms & Programming workshop. Primary 7 students can enjoy the Communication, the Internet & Online Safety workshop.


if you feel that your school could benefit from a Digital Schoolhouse workshop delivered by Holy Trinity College please feel free to contact the Lead Teacher Mr Shane McVeigh at holytrinity.dsh@gmail.com to arrange a workshop booking or to find out more.

School Website

Please feel free to visit our website using the link below. https://www.holytrinitycollege.org/

School Address

Holy Trinity College, 9-29 Chapel St, Cookstown, BT80 8QB
