Ultimate Games Careers Lesson Pack

Subjects: PSHE
Key Stages: KS2 KS3


The Ultimate Games Careers Lesson Pack is the definitive videogames careers resource for schools. Developed in collaboration with Into Games, this comprehensive guide is bursting with expertise and insightful information for aspiring games professionals! Within, you'll find a extensive library of over 80 one minute careers videos from industry professionals, plus bespoke lesson plans and much more.  

The video games industry is a place of vibrancy, creativity and innovation that boasts a variety of incredible jobs across different disciplines. Whether it's art, music, programming or events management, there's a number of careers waiting for your students to discover. We hope this guides you.

If you have any questions about the resource, please get in touch with the team: dsh@ukie.org.uk

Guidance for teachers

Suitable for: Key stage 2 (KS2), key stage 3 (KS3), key stage 4 (KS4)

Our resources are created with you and your students in mind. Not only are they outside-the-box, creative and brain-boosting fun, but we always ensure our content stays relevant. Our network of academic masterminds and video games practitioners enable us to keep delivering free content that is aligned to the UK computing curriculum and that is relevant to current industry best practice. We think you're going to love our approach to careers education. We've even got the evidence to prove it. 

Download your lesson resources at the bottom of the page.

Guidance for parents & carers

Your children can hear from real games industry professionals in one minute bitesize careers videos. Here, you'll gain insight into a numbers of roles - some well known and perhaps, some yet undiscovered...

About One Minute Mentor: Careers videos from the pros

Suitable for all ages.

One Minute Mentor (OMM) is a careers resource that aims to inspire young people with the breadth of roles available in the creative digital sector through punchy, digestible videos hosted on our YouTube channel.

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